Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Rubric Information

While looking at the rubric for this assignment, I thought it may be useful to go back and have the document readily available to us. Therefore, this is what the rubric says about the assignment:

Technology Acceptable Use Policy: 100 points possible

Each team of students is to create a Technology Acceptable Use Policy for Students at a school district level. By reviewing actual documents from area or other researched school districts as well as reviewing any legal resources, students will identify the key elements to include in the document. A basic document should include the following sections: Introduction and Purpose, CIPA and Internet Security provisions, Copyright & Fair Use Measures, Lists & Definitions of Technologies and Devices Addressed in Policy, Types of Users, Security-Safety and firewall measures, District Disclaimer, and Consequences for not following policy. Each section shall be developed thoroughly. State and Federal regulations should be followed.

This is a collaborative project and it is expected that each member of the same will contribute in an equitable fashion. Initials of each team member shall be included after the sections where the individual student made the primary contribution.

The final document should be written following expectations for proper grammar and mechanics. There should be no spelling errors. The style of the document should appear as though there was one author—it should have a definite flow to it. Each section should be labeled. The document should contain a final bibliography indicating the school district Technology AUPs that were used as models, as well as any other resources that were used to craft the document. They may be included at the end of the document.

Write this document as though you would be presenting it to the school board for review and approval. Remember that this document represents a policy which all students in the district would be expected to follow.

The actual rubric is too difficult to include on the blog. Therefore, it is found on Blackboard.

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